ASPP - Media about us

  • An article in the magazine "KONSTRUKTION & ENTWICKLUNG" An article in the magazine "KONSTRUKTION & ENTWICKLUNG" - about the technology "Slavyanka"
  • An article in the magazine "KONSTRUKTION & ENTWICKLUNG" An article in the magazine "KONSTRUKTION & ENTWICKLUNG" - about the technology "Slavyanka"
  • Championship of Taishan Shandong Province Award
  • TV-Weihai 2018
  • TV-Weihai -2019
  • TV-Shandong About ASPP Technology
  • Weihai-Conference
  • Media about us - Weihai 2018
  • Media about us - Weihai 2018
  • Championship of Taishan

Media about our company

Открытие национального представительства в Хорватии. Прямая трансляция.

Прямая трансляция открытия национальног о представител ьства в Хорватии уже началась! Международна я конференция, посвященная открытию, проходит в столице Хорватии. Среди участников -...
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Media about us

An article in the magazine "KONSTRUKTION & ENTWICKLUNG" - about the technology "Slavyanka"

Famous in Germany the trend magazine - "Construction and Development" published an article about our technology "Slavyanka" in the April issue of the magazine.
This article highlights the activities of our development company SovElMash in Moscow. About new developments and achievements in the field of electric motors. In particular about the new motors of the energy efficiency class IE4.
It also highlights the activities of company ASPP Weihai Technology, which manufactures motors using Slavyanka technology in China.
"Construction & Development" provides information about trends, markets, doers and technologies in the fields of mechanical and plant engineering.
Many thanks for the dedicated work to our partner Mr. Hans Jürgen Kastner. He has been working for almost 7 years in Germany promoting our technology.

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